RSF 3D Printer Attachment

An attachment that facilitates a 3D printer to house and print regenerated silk fibres (RSFs)

Designed by Anna Maria Grimes

A 3-dimensional (3D) printer attachment that can maintain, process and print RSFs using any open framed FDM 3D printer. The attachment provides the printer with the capability to both spin and weave the fibres simultaneously whilst printing, resulting in the reduction of processing energy – simply going from the RSF solution to the final textile product using just one device, the 3D printer.

The introduction of this product reduces the creation of waste during the development of silk products, allows for design optimization, and results in a cruelty free silk product alternative.

Furthermore, the super strength of the extruded RSFs allows for the product to have various foreseeable applications considering the world of textile products (most prominently, military utilization).

Designed by

  Anna Maria Grimes | MEng