Product Design Engineering is a collaborative programme that integrates the educational cultures of The Glasgow School of Art, School of Design and the University of Glasgow, James Watt School of Engineering. The PDE programme is the synthesis of practical knowledge, theory and creative ideas to form coherent and tangible design solutions. PDE is accredited by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Institute of Engineering Designers and Institute of Technology to allow Chartered Engineer status - an excellent example of the recognition of the programme and a springboard for careers.

Day to day, PDE students split their time between in-depth design projects in the Glasgow School of Art, School of Design studios, challenging them to create solutions to real-life problems, and a rigorous Engineering education at the University of Glasgow. This collaborative approach is done in parallel with students studying other creative disciplines at the Glasgow School of Art and Engineering students from a wide spectrum of disciplines at the University of Glasgow.

The final year of the PDE programme focuses on the exploration and application of the core skills developed in the earlier years. This process and approach is known as ‘Core-Explore’. During their studies, students are also introduced to industry through live projects, placements and visits. The course concludes with a major individual project completed over two semesters. 

Craig Whittet

Head of Department, Product Design Engineering, GSA

The theme of this year’s show provides opportunities to explore what is meant in terms of perspective. If we consider Education, I’d suspect that many would agree that it plays an integral role in progress; not only imparting knowledge but also developing learning skills that will be applicable in many applications and scenarios. 

Reflecting on the educational journey of these students, there were moments where discussions via zoom ignited curiosity, encouraged critical thinking and welcomed perspectives from diverse viewpoints. Thankfully, in recent years we have benefited from the return and value of face-to-face teaching and learning. These experiences highlight the importance of creating supportive learning environments, whether that be digital or physical; spaces where students are empowered to play, explore, question, and engage meaningfully with the world around them. 

The tools that we now have access to provide unparalleled opportunities to explore today’s interconnected world, enabling us to appreciate global issues and embracing diversity in ways previously unimaginable. These perspectives highlight that Product Design Engineers hold a unique position of influence and their concepts and products have far-reaching implications for communities and ecosystems worldwide. Hence, it becomes paramount to instil a sense of ethical consciousness and responsibility. These soon to be graduates have the skills, spirit of curiosity, adaptability and resilience not only to shape perspectives but to also recognise the transformative impact that education can have on individuals and society as a whole.

In partnership with global technology company Autodesk, we are very grateful for their continued support and relationship between education and industry. This relationship is fundamental to both their current success, future aspirations and their mission to inspire leaders in ‘design and make’ to create a better world for existing and future generations. Thanks must also go to all those that have helped the students on their journey; you have all played a part in their success.

Samuel Gilkison Smith

Product Design Engineering Manager, Apple

2010 PDE Graduate

When you consider some of the most successful products of modern times, the smartphone being a great example, perspective is key to its existence. Products that leave a mark in human history are designed from the perspective of many for the perspective of the many. 

Products are not brought into existence by an individual, but instead by a collection of people who can share and debate their unique perspectives: the industrial designers, mechanical and electrical engineers, manufacturing experts, software engineers, and retail teams who debate, discuss, and collaborate to blend their expertise to craft beautiful, functional and intuitive products.

Usually, these products are designed for a wide spectrum of society. Therefore, user focus with diversity is paramount: whether the user is younger, older, familiar with technology, able-bodied or not, it’s a key consideration in the creator’s mind to be able to craft the product from these perspectives. Because great design is inclusive design and when you design great products and technology for everyone, society benefits. It’s hard work, and it takes time, with many dead ends, but in the end, the human effort spent pays itself back many times over. Just think of the billions of people who use a smartphone daily. 

In my opinion, Product Design Engineering at the Glasgow School of Art and the University of Glasgow teaches students these perspectives. It teaches the technical breath so that its graduates have a broad and deep foundation of knowledge to navigate across the disciplines required to bring great products to fruition. They blend art, science, technology, and engineering to create beautiful, functional, eco-conscious products that the world benefits from. It also teaches how to put yourself into the mind of the user, so-called empathic design, so that these products are indeed useful and considered for the many. 

My education at GSA fundamentally prepared me for a career in Product Design Engineering in Silicon Valley. I felt leaving University I had the knowledge and tools to immediately be effective, useful, and productive in the world of consumer products. As I have grown in my career I often reflect on my time at GSA and how it prepared me for the real world. I use these skills daily : from presentations to mechanical analysis, to model making and debate. I honestly can’t imagine a better start to my career. 

Therefore, the graduates of PDE are in my opinion, world-class creators who can hit the ground running with fresh ideas, heaps of motivation, and most importantly of all…unique perspectives. 

Mary Hope McQuiston

VP, Education Experiences, Autodesk

It is with great admiration that I congratulate you on your achievements in Product Design Engineering. Your projects showcase how the combined power of technology, collaboration, and innovative thinking can profoundly enhance our lives. 

At Autodesk, we are committed to empowering the next generation of Design and Make leaders. We are proud to equip you with the tools to bring your projects to life, understanding that you are the architects of a brighter tomorrow. Your work embodies our core mission — a better world designed and made for all. 

Through your projects, you have demonstrated not just your ability to envision the future, but also your capacity to shape it. While Autodesk provides the toolset, it is your unique mindset—the passion, creativity, and adaptability—that truly drives change. You are the makers and visionaries guiding us toward a more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient future.  Continue to challenge the limits of what is possible. Autodesk is excited to support your journey, helping you turn your ideas into reality. Because together, we can make anything