Twin Probe

Fictitious ultrasound transducer

Designed by Vsevolod Vladimirovich Shestakov

The Twin Probe is designed specifically with remote telerobotic ultrasound operation in mind, for desktop operation. To contrast its predecessor and competing solutions, it incorporates bespoke ergonomics to orient the user’s hand in the neutral wrist position, mitigating the occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders.

Combined with a set of ergonomic features, the product allows the user to execute the required cardinal probe movements for examination. To extend the user’s control over the telerobotic system, the probe is fitted with an internal force This permits direct control of pressure applied to the patient’s body and provides the user with dynamic tactile feedback, mimicking tissue contact. The dichotomy of these features improves user immersion and improves the efficiency of the ultrasound diagnosis. The probe is configured with an internal rechargeable battery to enable wireless communication, granting an untethered experience. feedback and pressure control mechanism.

This permits direct control of pressure applied to the patient’s body and provides the user with dynamic tactile feedback, mimicking tissue contact. The dichotomy of these features improves user immersion and improves the efficiency of the ultrasound diagnosis. The probe is configured with an internal rechargeable battery to enable wireless communication, granting an untethered experience

Designed by

 Vsevolod Vladimirovich Shestakov | MEng