
A keyboard for programmers to reduce the negative physical effects of desk work

Designed by Paul Parkinson

The Koi.Board acts as a preventative measure against work-related musculoskeletal disorders for programmers by reducing the amounts of pronation and flexion in the wrists when typing versus a conventional keyboard through the position of use. The keys are spaced close together to reduce the overall travel of the wrists, hands, and fingers, with roller switches designed to be pressed from many directions, aiding typing flow. The devices are adjustable, creating multiple possible use scenarios, such as resting against the legs or on a suitable desk to achieve optimal posture in any scenario.

With one device in each hand, mouse functionality is achieved through a thumb joystick. Keys such as shift, control, and additional layers are controlled by the second joystick on the other thumb. The 32 switches and the layer keys make up the full functionality of a keyboard.

Designed by

  Paul Parkinson | MEng