Hormone Harmony

Hormone testing device that allows women to pinpoint their menstrual cycle phase

Designed by Nadia Jackson

A quarter of the population are females aged between 12 and 51. Thus, the behaviours, emotions, and actions of approximately 1.8 billion people in the world are influenced by the menstrual cycle. Many of whom are unaware of the effects that each stage might be having on them. These effects are magnified when it comes to physical activities. Women engaging in physical exercise will see fluctuations in their performance, and do not have the tools to properly understand the reasoning behind it.

Hormone Harmony is a hormone testing device that can pinpoint the exact cycle phase an individual is in, by measuring the hormones in their saliva. After taking their sample, the user deposits the cartridge into the hormone machine which can be found in the female changing rooms of the gym. The results will then be available to view via the app, empowering women with the tools to better understand their cycle and reach their full potential.

Designed by

  Nadia Jackson | BEng