
A multifunctional, origami inspired light that aids mental and physical health

Designed by Kim Denton

Kirigami is a portable, shape-changing, multifunctional light inspired by the art of origami. It seamlessly combines the functionalities of a SAD lamp, a desk lamp, a makeup light, and a decorative lamp into one versatile product, eliminating the need for multiple cluttering lamps in your space.

Research found that many people have a multifunctional space in their home which requires different types of lighting for different tasks. Light plays a pivotal role in influencing mental well-being and regulating circadian rhythms. Bright light therapy has emerged as a remarkably effective intervention for conditions linked to both aspects. Furthermore, specific light wavelengths have been associated with enhanced memory retention and heightened focus. and that light can be optimised to appear close to natural daylight.

Kirigami is designed to harness both the mental and physical benefits of light. With specific colour temperatures and brightness levels tailored for each mode, it optimises its impact on the user, ensuring an enhanced lighting experience.

Designed by

  Kim Denton | MEng