Cyanotype Photography

A unique, low cost, sustainable alternative to film photography

Designed by Josh Flint

This camera uses cyanotype, an iron saltbased chemical solution, to capture analogue images directly onto paper. By coating paper with cyanotype, inserting it into the camera, and exposing it to light, users can create intriguing images with unique dark blue tones.

Unlike traditional film, cyanotype is non-toxic, inexpensive, and environmentally sustainable, making it an ideal choice for eco-conscious photographers. With exposure times ranging from 2 to 4 hours, this camera captures the passage of time in a single image, offering a distinctly different style of photography. The camera’s design is optimised for cyanotype’s long exposures and shooting conditions by including multiple angles that allow the user to position the camera as they please and using a sturdy ceramic-like construction which allows for an array of natural finishes and colours to blend in with the camera’s surroundings.

Designed by

  Josh Flint | BEng