A cinema companion for the blind and partially-sighted

Designed by Jana Wong

For visually impaired film enthusiasts, the only current solution to enjoy cinema is audio description. This solution comes with its problems: heavy load on hearing, interference with movie soundtracks, limitations in information, etc.

Introducing TOUCH.NEMA, designed to enhance the cinema experience for visually impaired moviegoers. This innovative device transforms captivating elements in films into a tactile experience, making visual content accessible to everyone.

TOUCH.NEMA creates dynamic sculptures generated from movie scenes using a matrix of moving pins, allowing users to explore the compositions and movements curated by filmmakers for movie scenes. Designed with the needs of visually impaired users in mind, TOUCH.NEMA features an LED to facilitate seat location. A rubber grip and strap are also implemented as tactile cues for the upright direction and safety.

Alongside audio description headsets, users can now enjoy a comprehensive, multi-sensory experience in every movie moment in real time, promoting inclusivity and accessibility in entertainment

Designed by

  Jana Wong | BEng